Our residents – Ann

Accepting the time has come for a loved one to move into a residential home can be traumatic.

Family circumstances meant it was the only option open to Jane* and her brother Simon* as they considered what was best for their widowed mum Ann*.

With the support of her family, Ann had continued to live in her own home following the death of her husband.

Then Ann, 87, suffered a few falls and was diagnosed with dementia and her family became concerned for her safety.

“She wasn’t really coping, and we just didn’t feel it was safe for her to be on her own,” says Jane.

“Carers visited regularly but every time the phone rang, I just dreaded it was someone to tell me something had happened to mum.”

Jane says one year on from moving to Lilibet Manor, her mum has settled well and is enjoying the entertainment.

“The other day my brother went to visit, and mum kept him waiting ten minutes because she was enjoying the karaoke so much and wanted to listen to the end of it,” says Jane.

“The staff are very caring and are so good with mum, they treat her in a very loving way,” says Jane, who has been pleased to hear about the programme of refurbishment underway at Crawshaw including a new cinema.

 “I’ve been told they also plan to get out into the community more, visit a nearby tea shop which mum will enjoy and will keep her active,” says Jane.

“She does seem to be enjoying life there and it is such a relief to know she is somewhere where she is being looked after well and people are on hand 24 hours.”

*Names changed at request of family.

Why Choose Constantia Healthcare?

Residential & Nursing Care

Providing a homely, safe and secure environment for your loved ones

Respite & Day Care

Looking after your loved ones while you have a well-earned rest and break

Alzheimers & Dementia Care

Specialist care for people with complex needs at Roseleigh in Middlesbrough

Varied Activity Programme

Stimulating body and mind with an ever-changing schedule