It can sometimes be difficult for relatives to accept that the time has come for a loved one to move into a residential care home but in the case of Maureen Beardsworth she made that decision for herself.
“She told us that if the time ever came when she needed residential accommodation she wanted to move into Queens Lodge,” said her son, Terry.
Maureen, 83, has led an independent life raising Terry and his two sisters and working as a cook in care homes in the Blackburn area.
But in the past 12 months has struggled with mobility and at time become confused.
“She had a couple months in hospital and then spent time in rehabilitation and it became clear that she could no longer live in her own home,” said Terry.
“It wasn’t easy but at least we know mum made the decision to move into Queens Lodge,” said Terry.
The family put Maureen’s name on the waiting list in December and she moved into the home in February 2021.
“The staff have been fantastic throughout covid and the restriction that has placed on visits,” said Terry.
“I can tell as soon as I walk in that mum is happy. The staff are caring and she has a great rapport with them.”