Like all modern professions, the care sector is transitioning to the digital age but Maria Ferrier believes the human touch will always have an essential role to play.
Maria is Constantia Healthcare’s new Head of HR, Compliance, and Operational Excellence, a long title for a multi-faceted role that ensures residents receive the best care possible.
“Basically, with my eyes and ears on full alert during walks round our homes, I’m on the look-out for anything that stands out, whether it be a lovely positive interaction between a staff member and a resident or something that indicates an area we can improve on,” said Maria.
“I am always keen to listen to great, or not so great feedback raised by residents or relatives. There are always areas for improvement and I will work with the management teams to get the bottom of and improve on, that’s how you maintain and improve standards.”
Maria freely admits that when she left school at 16, she would have fainted at the sight of blood and hadn’t considered care as a career option. Her first job was in a car showroom back office and she realised straight away it wasn’t for her.
“It was so boring, taking things to the parts dept or getting the coffee and tea order for the directors,” said Maria. “I knew I was capable of more than that. Thankfully my sister-in-law was a nurse in the local hospital and suggested I try out as a care assistant in the long-term EMI wards.”
Fascinated by the work of nurses, Maria pestered them so much they suggested she become one and she qualified in 1986.
In between taking time off to raise her now grown up sons Tom and Sam, Maria gained nursing experience in general surgery, urology, children’s wards, accident and emergency, community settings, as well as palliative and end of life care in a hospice.
She progressed to senior roles in nursing homes, social services for a short spell, and as a regional manager for various national care home companies.
Maria had worked as a Quality Director for the past 3.5 years supporting small new companies to open new care homes. Her role encompassed development of policies and procedures, governance and quality systems together with monitoring and supporting the teams to deliver the best care.
Maria has oversight of Constantia’s nine care homes. All are currently rated Good or Outstanding by the industry regulator, the Care Quality Commission, and she intends to keep it that way.
“We have seen major advances in digital technology, and I can definitely see the benefits in that because they are so accessible and paper records can get lost,” said Maria.
“However, the human touch is key to good care and at Constantia, whether it is caring for someone at end of life, with dementia, mobility loss or any other need, we are looking to develop an even more personalised care not less.”
She added: “It’s about delivering care within professional boundaries. If a resident is distressed and a hug will help that’s fine, that human touch is so important.”
Remembering her early days and her own extensive journey, Maria aims to ensure support is also there for staff whether they are just starting out as a carer or newly promoted.
“Care and nursing is a vocation, not a job, I’m still a qualified nurse and I am always available should anyone need support,” said Maria.
“I cannot see the day when I would want to do anything other than help to look after people.”